Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) .NET
2) Activex OLE
3) ADO Database
4) Algorithm Math
5) API
6) COM
7) Compiler Directives
8) Constants
9) Examples
10) Files
11) Forms
12) Forum
13) Functions
14) Games
15) Graphic
16) Hardware
17) Ide Indy
18) Keywords
19) LAN Web TCP
20) Multimedia
21) OOP
22) Printing
23) Procedures
24) String
25) Strings
26) System
27) Types
28) Variables
29) VCL
30) XML
1) [] Bir internet adresindeki java script içindeki değerin öğrenilmesi
2) [] Checking for a lan connection
3) [] Html sayfalarını arşiv olarak kaydetmek [mhtml]
4) [] Internet baglantisinin devam edip etmedigini test etmek
5) [] Merkez bankası döviz kurlarını alma
6) [] Merkez bankası geçmiş döviz kurlarını alma
7) [] Müşterileriniz, sizin programınızdan sms göndersin
8) [] Network bilgileri ve hataları
9) [] Serverdan clientte dosya gönderme işlemi
10) [ENTER] key in WebBrowser
11) A Little PING application
12) A simple way to send files using TClientSocket & TServerSocket
13) A step by step guide to TCPIP programming Part 3
14) A step by step guide to TCPIP programming Part 5
15) About the sendstream of TNMUDP component
16) Accessing hotmail from delphi
17) Activate CopyPaste, Drag&Drop in a TWebbrowser
18) Activate copy-paste, drag-drop in a twebbrowser
19) Açık olan explorer sayfaları [adresler]
20) Add a button to the Internet Explorer Toolbar
21) Add a button to the internet explorer toolbar
22) Add alternative text to a webbrowser image
23) Add alternative text to a Webbrowser image
24) Add Menu Item To Explorer Context Menu
25) Add MS Index Server Search capabilities to your Delphi app
26) Add proxy authorization support to the TNMHTTP component
27) Add the current page of a twebbrowser to your favorites
28) Add the current page of a TWebbrowser to your favorites
29) Adding Explorer Bar
30) Adding Explorer MenuItem
31) Adding Explorer ToolBar Btn
32) Ag da tanimli kullanicilar kimler
33) Ag sürücülerinin tespiti
34) Ağ da tanımlı kullanıcılar kimler
35) Ağ ortamında makinenin ismini bulma
36) Ağ sürücülerini listeleme
37) Ağ sürücüsüne bağlantı
38) Aktif internet explorer penceresindeki adres bilgisinin alinmasi
39) An Application Loader with a TCPServer
40) Api call to make a dialup network connection
41) Api-function for console command net send
42) Append html text to a twebbrowser document
43) Append HTML Text to a TWebbrowser Document
44) Auto LiveUpdate
45) Automatic fill out html forms with twebbrowser
46) Automatically dialhangup the default Internet connection
47) Automatically dial-hangup the default internet connection
48) Automatically fill in web forms of a running ie instance
49) Automatically sending E mail
50) Basit network mesaj programı
51) BDE Networking Issues
52) Being checked you this connected the internet
53) Bilgisayarım bir networke bağlı mı
54) Bilgisayarin ip adresinin alınması
55) Bilgisayarin ip adresinin alinmasi
56) Bits in a maskIP
57) Build a Terminal Services Client
58) Calculate estimated download time of a file
59) Call internet explorer
60) Call the default email program to send an email
61) Call the default email program to send an email
62) Capture a delphi clx form
63) Catch kernel-signals in kylix
64) Catching browsers urls with dde
65) Certificate basics
66) Change a users password for a specified network server or domain
67) Change IP Address,DNS etc. via WMI API Class
68) Change the borderstyle- bordercolor of a twebbrowser
69) Change the IP address in runtime
70) Change the scrollbar colors of twebbrowser
71) Changing Internet Explorers Proxy Settings
72) Changing the tcp-ip dns address
73) Changing the tdbnavigator button images
74) Check e mail address
75) Check if a page in twebbrowser is on a local drive
76) Check if a page in TWebbrowser is on a local drive
77) Check if a page in TWebbrowser is secure (SSL)
78) Check if a page in twebbrowser is secure [ssl]
79) Check if a string is a valid ip address [ii]
80) Check if computer is connected to the Internet
81) Check if I am connected to the internet
82) Check if i am connected to the internet
83) Check if the copy command is active in a twebbrowser
84) Check if the copy command is active in a TWebBrowser
85) Check if the Internet Explorer is installed
86) Check if the internet explorer is installed
87) Check if the Workstation is locked
88) Check if we are running in a terminal client session
89) Check if winsock is enabled
90) Check if Winsock is enabled
91) Check Valid IP Address
92) Checking and Disconnecting DUN
93) Checking if a URL is valid
94) Cleaning email account from unneeded Emails on a server
95) Clever Downloader Internet Components
96) Client kullanıcıdan server saatini aldırmak
97) Client server keyulogger programlama
98) Clone a process in linux
99) Closing internet explorer [ie] from delphi
100) Closing my browser
101) Code a simple win cgi using wintypes
102) Code a simple win-cgi using wintypes
103) COM Component that Bites Off HTML Tags
104) Connect to a networkdrive
105) Connect to an ftp server and download a file
106) Constructing an LDAP query to Get MS Exchange 2003 users list
107) Control mIRC with DDE
108) Control the Internet Explorer using OLE
109) Convert HTML to RTF
110) Convert IP Address to LONGWORD and Vice Versa
111) Converting a tcolor value to a html color string
112) Copy HTML Text into the Clipboard
113) Copy, delete, cut in the twebbrowser
114) Copy, Delete, Cut in the TWebbrowser
115) Crack a url into its component parts
116) Crack a URL into its component parts
117) Create a twebbrowser at runtime
118) Create a TWebBrowser at Runtime
119) Create a webbrowser with a progress bar in 2 minutes!
120) Create and control asp net programs with delphi events
121) Create e mail letter
122) Create html mail and send it through default email client
123) Create html mail and send it through default email client
124) Create Internet link
125) Creating a simple HTTP Server
126) Creating Catalogs on Microsoft Index Server
127) Cross Site Scripting Protection (aka Encoding and Filtering HTML)
128) Dataset = xml
129) Debug console programs with kylix
130) Decode tnef mime attachments
131) Decorate url`s (plain text to HTML conversion)
132) Delete the temporary internet files
133) Detect and download a new version of [an own] application
134) Detect terminal services
135) Detect the default smtp mailserver
136) Determine if the current session is remotely controlled
137) Determine if the current session is remotely controlled
138) Determine if there is an active connection to the internet (2) UPDATE
139) Determine if there is an active connection to the internet (3)
140) Determine if there is an active connection to the internet [2] update
141) Determine if there is an active connection to the internet [3]
142) Determine proxy server settings in IE
143) Determine proxy server settings in ie
144) Determine the version of Internet Explorer
145) Determine the version of internet explorer
146) Determining The Internet Connection Type
147) Developing TCPIP Servers in Borland Compilers
148) Devx - ağdaki başka bilgisayara bağlanmak
149) Devx - internetten dosya yükleme
150) Disable ctrl+n in twebbrowser
151) Disable ctrl+N in TWebbrowser
152) Disable the context menu in a twebbrowser
153) Disable the Context Menu in a TWebbrowser
154) Disable the popupmenu in twebbrowser
155) Disable the Popupmenu in TWebbrowser
156) Disabling autodial when using internet controls
157) Disconnect a Network Drive from Delphi Programmatically Remove a Network Connection
158) Display the choose computer dialog
159) Display the organize favorite dialog box
160) Display understandable socket error descriptions
161) Displaying documents in the default browser
162) Do an application loader with TCP
163) Dosya download
164) Download . From an FTP in Code
165) Download a file from the internet
166) Download a webpage with a hidden IP
167) Download a webpage with a hidden ip
168) Downloading a URLs HTML
169) Downloading any URL using default network configuration
170) Draw rotated text [kylix]
171) Duplicate a twebbrowser document
172) Duplicate a TWebbrowser Document
173) Easiest way to Interact between Delphi and TWebBrowser (OnLinkClick event for TWebBrowser)
174) En kolay yoldan dosya download etme
175) Enable the Return key in a TWebbrowser
176) Encode a http url
177) Encode a HTTP URL
178) Enumerate the logged in users on a remote or local nt workstation
179) Enumerate the logged in users on a Remote or Local NT Workstation
180) Enumerate the network connections (drives)
181) Enumerate the network connections [drives]
182) Enumerating Network Connections
183) Enumerating workgroups on your LAN
184) Error reading from Socket
185) Establish a connection to the internet
186) Establish a connection to the internet
187) Et the IP Address bhind a routerproxy
188) Execute a Javascript function in a Webbrowser IE Document
189) Execute a javascript function in a webbrowser- ie document
190) Execute another application
191) Explorer daki kayitli adresleri yok etmek
192) Explorer in acilis sayfasini yok etmek
193) Expoler plugin
194) Extended Mapi
195) Extracting complete list of URLs from the web server
196) Extracting Email Addresses
197) Fill out fields in a TWebBrowser by Drag&Drop
198) Fill out fields in a twebbrowser by drag-drop
199) Filter out all links in memo
200) Find and highlight text in twebbrowser
201) Find and highlight text in TWebBrowser
202) Finding all computers in a workgroup
203) Finding all computers on the network
204) Force Internet Explorer Work Online without reboot
205) Force ie to re-read registry settings
206) Form post to web page [web sayfasina form bilgilerinin gönderilmesi]
207) From CGIWin9x to ISAPIW2K
208) From resources to TWebBrowser
209) FTP Server
210) Function to get your ip address
211) Geçerli browseri ogrenmek
212) Geçerli internet bağlantınızın otomatik baglanma ve bağlantıyı kesme ayarını kendin yap
213) Get - set global offline state
214) Get a list of computers in a network
215) Get a list of computers in a network
216) Get a list of users who are registered on the NT Workstation
217) Get access to radiobuttons in a twebbrowser
218) Get access to RadioButtons in a TWebbrowser
219) Get all frame urls in twebbrowser
220) Get all Frame URLs in TWebbrowser
221) Get Computer MAC Address
222) Get current url
223) Get host name using IP address
224) Get Internet connected state
225) Get image properties of all images in a twebbrowser
226) Get image properties of all images in a TWebbrowser
227) Get list of names of all computers within your Network
228) Get list of names of all computers within your workgroup
229) Get list of network drives
230) Get Listbox Items from a TWebBrowser Document
231) Get listbox items from a twebbrowser document
232) Get MAC address of networks device
233) Get MAC Address of Remote or Local Machine
234) Get names of installed Mail Clients
235) Get select list selection from TWebBrowser
236) Get selected text from IE window
237) Get system current dns ip address
238) Get the current username [kylix]
239) Get the default browser
240) Get the domain of the logged in user
241) Get the domain of the logged in user
242) Get the full HTML from the TWebBrowser Delphi component
243) Get the HTML Code out of all Internet Explorer Instances
244) Get the html code out of all internet explorer instances
245) Get the Internet Explorer typed urls
246) Get the Internet Explorers favourites
247) Get the IP Address behind a routerproxy (2)
248) Get the IP from a given URL
249) Get the IWebbrowser2 Interface from a Window Handle
250) Get the internet explorer typed urls
251) Get the internet explorers favourites
252) Get the ip from a given url
253) Get the ip-address behind a router-proxy [2]
254) Get the ip-address bhind a router-proxy
255) Get the iwebbrowser2 interface from a window handle
256) Get the kind of internet connection
257) Get the kind of internet connection
258) Get the list of active process on a pc of my network
259) Get the list of active process on a PC of my network
260) Get the local DNS servers list
261) Get the mac address
262) Get the MAC Address
263) Get the name of the local file that is being cached
264) Get the NT Domain and UserName of a Process
265) Get the own IP Address
266) Get the own ip address
267) Get the primary domain controller (PDC)
268) Get the selected objects in a twebbrowser
269) Get the Selected Objects in a TWebbrowser
270) Get the start command for a installed Mail Client
271) Get the URL from running instances of Internet Explorer
272) Get the url from running instances of internet explorer
273) Getsave the HTML Code from a TWebbrowser
274) Getset default page of IE
275) Getset the startpage for the Internet Explorer
276) Get-set the startpage for the internet explorer
277) Getting a Mac Address The JEDI way
278) Getting Avtive URL From Current Browser
279) Getting Info About MS IE
280) Getting the IP address and mask for ALL TCPIP interfaces
281) Getting the local internet machine name and IP address
282) Getting the local internet machine name and ip address
283) Handling Winsock errors
284) Herhangi bir internet adresinin [http, ftp, bilgisayar adi] gecerli olup olmadigi kontrol etmek, ip
285) Hide the scrollbars of twebbrowser
286) Hide the scrollbars of TWebBrowser
287) Host adindan ip adresini bulmak
288) Hotmaile delphi ile login olmak
289) How can I detect if TCPIP is installed
290) How can I get a computers IP address
291) How can I read from a modem
292) How can I use TAPI to dial the telephone for a voice call
293) How do I check if an IP Address exists or not
294) How do I design the protocol to transfer data between server and client
295) How do I progamatically dial the default Dial up connection
296) How do I retrieve properties from an HTML page
297) How do I send an email using Delphi
298) activate CopyPaste, Drag&Drop in a TWebbrowser
299) Add a button to the Internet Explorer Toolbar
300) add alternative text to a Webbrowser image
301) add the current page of a TWebbrowser to your favorites
302) append HTML Text to a TWebbrowser Document
303) automatically dialhangup the default Internet connection
304) build a Terminal Services Client
305) call the default browser with an url
306) call the default email program to send an email
307) change a users password for a specified network server or domain
308) check an Internet connection
309) check if a page in TWebbrowser is on a local drive
310) check if a page in TWebbrowser is secure (SSL)
311) check if I am connected to the internet
312) check if internet explorer is installed and get the version of it
313) check if the copy command is active in a TWebBrowser
314) check if the Internet Explorer is installed
315) check if we are running in a terminal client session
316) check if Winsock is enabled
317) clear Internet Explorer cache
318) Clear Typed URL History
319) close all the open IE windows
320) connect and retrieve email to a POP3 account
321) control mIRC with DDE
322) control the Internet Explorer using OLE
323) convert a long IP address to a short address port number
324) convert a normal IP Address to a DWord IP Address
325) Convert HTML to RTF
326) copy HTML Text into the Clipboard
327) Copy, Delete, Cut in the TWebbrowser
328) crack a URL into its component parts
329) Create a TWebBrowser at Runtime
330) create an ActiveX and link it to JavaScript in an HTML document
331) create an OnLinkClick Event in TWebBrowser
332) Deal with OpenLDAP
333) determine if the current session is remotely controlled
334) determine if there is an active connection to the internet (2) UPDATE
335) determine if there is an active connection to the internet (3)
336) Determine proxy server settings in IE
337) determine the users logon domain
338) determine the version of Internet Explorer
339) dial a telephone number using the Telephony API
340) disable ctrl+N in TWebbrowser
341) disable the Context Menu in a TWebbrowser
342) disable the Popupmenu in TWebbrowser
343) display all IP connections
344) display the organize favorite dialog box
345) do an application loader with TCP
346) download a webpage with a hidden IP
347) duplicate a TWebbrowser Document
348) enable editing of a document in TWebBrowser (in Delphi applications)
349) enable the Return key in a TWebbrowser
350) Enumerate the logged in users on a Remote or Local NT Workstation
351) enumerate the network connections (drives)
352) establish a connection to the internet
353) Execute a JavaScript Code on a TWebBrowser Document
354) execute a Javascript function in a Webbrowser IE Document
355) find and highlight text in TWebBrowser
356) get a ip address of a domain name
357) get a list of computers in a network
358) get a list of users who are registered on the NT Workstation
359) get access to RadioButtons in a TWebbrowser
360) get all documents for all frames from a TWebbrowser
361) get all Frame URLs in TWebbrowser
362) get all the Dial up connections
363) get data from InterBase via WebServices
364) get image properties of all images in a TWebbrowser
365) Get Listbox Items from a TWebBrowser Document
366) get names of installed Mail Clients
367) get select list selection from TWebBrowser
368) get selected text from IE window
369) get the Default browser
370) get the domain of the logged in user
371) get the HTML Code out of all Internet Explorer Instances
372) get the Internet Explorer typed urls
373) get the Internet Explorers favourites
374) get the IP Address behind a routerproxy (2)
375) get the IP Address bhind a routerproxy
376) get the IP from a given URL
377) get the IWebbrowser2 Interface from a Window Handle
378) get the kind of internet connection
379) get the list of active process on a PC of my network
380) get the local DNS servers list
381) get the MAC Address
382) get the NT Domain and UserName of a Process
383) get the own IP Address
384) get the primary domain controller (PDC)
385) get the Selected Objects in a TWebbrowser
386) get the server (router) and client IP address of your dial up connection
387) get the start command for a installed Mail Client
388) get the URL from running instances of Internet Explorer
389) getsave the HTML Code from a TWebbrowser
390) getset the startpage for the Internet Explorer
391) hide the scrollbars of TWebBrowser
392) Identify your computers IP
393) Invoke Hidden Commands in the TWebBrowser
394) implement ForwardBackCancel buttons in TWebbrowser
395) implement net send
396) implement net send
397) implementation of wake on lan procedure [wol]
398) intercept Internet Explorer messages
399) invoke a HTTP Post request
400) invoke the find dialog in a TWebBrowser
401) know if a computer is attached to a network
402) list all links of a page of a TWebbrowser
403) list the user privileges (NT)
404) load HTML code directly into a TWebbrowser
405) lock the workstation
406) make a HTML and TXT report component
407) manage, control NT Services
408) map a network drive
409) map a network drive (2)
410) Navigate to a page in TWebbrowser with a Referer header of your choice
411) obtain the computer name from IP address
412) obtain the path to the default webbrowser
413) open a specific url in default browser
414) open a URL in a New Standard Webbrowser Window
415) open an URL in the Default Webbrowser
416) open Internet Explorer via OLE
417) open the standard email client
418) open the windows explorer and show the specified folder
419) open url in new window with custom TWebBrowser
420) Paste, Undo, Redo and SelectAll in TWebBrowser
421) press button in the web page
422) preview HTML Quellcode in TWebbrowser
423) print from webbrowser
424) publish a Frontpage Web
425) realize a Wake on Lan (Magic Packet)
426) really do before and after processing on web requests using borlands web module
427) refresh all Internet Explorer Windows
428) register an own Protocol (TCP)
429) remotly shutdown a pc on a network
430) Replace images in a TWebBrowser
431) Reset the TWebBrowser Delphi control to an Empty (Blank) Page
432) retrieve all image links from an HTML document
433) retrieve and use easily in your application all Email Account Definitions
434) retrieve the network card addresses
435) retrieve the URL of the foreground IE instance
436) save a html page from the twebbrowser component to your hard drive
437) save all images of a TWebbrowser
438) save all TWebbrowser Frame Sources
439) scroll TWebBrowser with own buttons
440) select a computer from the network neighborhood
441) Send e mails via WinSock API
442) send eMail using the default Mail Client
443) send email using the MAPI
444) set the focus on a TWebbrowser
445) show a list of all Internet Explorer windows
446) Show the Properties Dialog in the TWebbrowser
447) show the source code of a webpage in a Memo
448) shutdown a computer through a network connection
449) start a dialup connection
450) tell if a user has an Internet connection
451) tell the type of internet connection your pc is connected to
452) transfer an object over a socket
453) use a Webbrowsers OnDocumentComplete with frames
454) use MAPI to send an EMail with Attachements
455) use Serversocket and Clientsocket
456) Use TcpClientServer for a Chat
457) use TWebBrowser.OnDocumentComplete with Frames
458) use your own popup menu in a TWebBrowser component
459) write a TCP Redirector using Indy
460) zoom the view of a TWebBrowser
461) Html mail gönderme
462) Htmlden resim linklerini alma
463) Htmlyi direk webbrowsera yükleme
464) Http encode
465) Http ornegi
466) Ie de tanımlı proxyleri bulmak
467) Iexplorer favori site adreslerinin alınması
468) Iexplorer sayfasındaki javascripte komut yollamak
469) Implement ForwardBackCancel buttons in TWebbrowser
470) Implement forward-back-cancel buttons in twebbrowser
471) Implement net send
472) Implementation of Wake On Lan procedure (WOL)
473) Inhibit a floating point error of the twebbrowser
474) Inhibit a Floating Point Error of the TWebBrowser
475) Interbase access from a web server application
476) Intercept Internet Explorer messages
477) Intercept internet explorer messages
478) Internet
479) Internet açılış sayfasını değiştirme
480) Internet baglanti tipinin bulunmasi
481) Internet bağlantısı iconunu systraydan kaldırmak
482) Internet browser calistirma
483) Internet cachelerini boşaltmak
484) Internet explorer [-launch url -launch e-mail program -set homepage --get ie favourites]
485) Internet explorer adresinin veya başka bir uygulamadaki bir metnin alınması
486) Internet Explorer Automation
487) Internet explorer cache dosyalarini silmek
488) Internet explorer cahce silmek
489) Internet explorer hakkında bilgi almak
490) Internet explorer ile web formlarını otomatik olarak doldurmak
491) Internet explorer in ayarlarıyla ilgili_1
492) Internet explorer in ayarlarıyla ilgili_2
493) Internet explorera buton eklemek
494) Internet explorera button eklemek
495) Internet sıkkullananlara url ekleme
496) Internet-genel
497) Internetteki bir url sayfasını diske kaydetmek
498) Internetten dosya çekmek
499) Internetten dosya download etmek
500) Internetten doysa indirmek
501) IntraWeb short introduction
502) Invoke hidden commands in the twebbrowser
503) Invoke Hidden Commands in the TWebBrowser
504) Invoke the find dialog in a TWebBrowser
505) Ip adresinden bilgisayarın adının bulunması
506) Ip adresinden herhangi bir bilgisayar adinin bulunmasi
507) Ip adresiniz [internet]
508) Ip scanner
509) Irc server programı
510) Is my machine connected to the network
511) Is TCPIP installed
512) Istediğiniz url adresini yeni bir explorer sayfasında açmak
513) invalid configuration parameter for alias
514) invalid filename error
515) Know if a computer is attached to a network
516) Kullanıcının internet bağlantısını yavaşlatmak ya da düşürmek
517) Kullanici internete bagli mi
518) LAN Web TCP - Are we connect to internet
519) Launching a web browser
520) Lets run report explorer with Oracle(ADO)
521) Link in Progman ProceduresInternet Sites (2)
522) List all links of a page of a twebbrowser
523) List all links of a page of a TWebbrowser
524) Little component to make HTML Reports
525) Little TCP Chat
526) Load html code directly into a twebbrowser
527) Load HTML code directly into a TWebbrowser
528) Load TWebBrowsers document content from stream or string
529) Loading a local html file in the html control
530) Loading a locale file into the thtml component
531) Loop through frames of a TWebBrowser
532) Mac adresinin alinmasi
533) Make a HTML and TXT report component
534) Making an application a TCPIP Client
535) Making an application a TCPIP Client (with sample code)
536) Manage, control NT Services
537) Map a network drive
538) Map a network drive
539) Map a network drive (2)
540) Map a network drive [2]
541) Mapingunmaping virtual drives
542) Mapping network drives with Delphi
543) Min all Internet Explorer windows
544) Mount a share
545) Multi Socket Port Scanner
546) Multi-threaded isapi dlls
547) Native access driver and isapi-nsapi
548) Navigate to a page in twebbrowser with a referer header of your choice
549) Navigate to a page in TWebbrowser with a Referer header of your choice
550) Network detayları
551) Network dolu ip leri bulma bulunan ip lerin ismini bulma
552) Network Resource Tree (Network Browser)
553) Networkde açık olan bilgisayarların ip noları ile birlikte listesi
554) Networke baglanmis sürücü listesinin alinmasi
555) Networke bağlanmak - bağlantıyı kesmek
556) Networktaki workgroup isimlerini almak
557) Networkteki bir bilgisayarın regeditine yazma
558) Nt workstationda kayıtlı kullanıcıların listesini almak
559) Obtain the computer name from IP address
560) Obtain the computer name from ip address
561) Obtain the path to the default webbrowser
562) Obtain the path to the default webbrowser
563) Obtaining URL of the browser default
564) OLE with the internet explorer
565) Only 16K for getting IP !!!
566) Open a url in a new standard webbrowser window
567) Open a URL in a New Standard Webbrowser Window
568) Open a webpage in a webbrowser thats allready active
569) Open an url in the default webbrowser
570) Open an URL in the Default Webbrowser
571) Open the standard email client
572) Open the windows explorer and show the specified folder
573) Open url in new window with custom twebbrowser
574) Open url in new window with custom TWebBrowser
575) Oracle TNSPING using TNS Packets and TCP
576) Paradox_to_xml
577) Params in a Web Query at run time
578) Parse text from a html file using ihtmldocument2
579) PAS 2 HTML converter
580) Paste, undo, redo and selectall in twebbrowser
581) Paste, Undo, Redo and SelectAll in TWebBrowser
582) Paylaşım verem bilgisayara girmek
583) Ping atmak
584) Post form data with twebbrowser
585) Post-form data [uygulamanizdaki bilgilerin asp-web server a yollanmasi]
586) Press a button in a twebbrowser when there are multiple buttons in the same form
587) Preview HTTP Posted Data using Delphi and TWebBrowser
588) Print a page in a twebbrowser
589) Printing a web page with the html control
590) Program update
591) Programmatically Execute the Map Network Drive Dialog to Map a UNC Path to a Drive Letter Using Delphi
592) Programmatically Retrieve Your IP Address Behind a Router Proxy Gateway Using Delphi Code
593) Programmatically Select a File in Windows Explorer from Delphi code
594) Publish a Frontpage Web
595) Publish a frontpage-web
596) Put the TWebbrowser into Edit Mode
597) Query against the Active Directory by LDAP
598) Ras şifrelerini almak
599) Rasapi ile internete bağlanmak-bağlantıyı kesmek-yeni bağlantı eklemek-bağlantı bilgisi düzenlemek
600) Rasdial exe kullanarak internet bağlantısı kurmak ve kesmek
601) Read the favorites from Internet Explorer
602) Read values located in a a javascript
603) Realize a Wake on Lan (Magic Packet)
604) Realize a wake on lan [magic packet]
605) Reconnecting to network shares with the help of a Component
606) Redefining TCPIP Client
607) Refresh all Internet Explorer Windows
608) Refreshing all Internet Explorer Windows
609) Register an own Protocol (TCP)
610) Register an own protocol [tcp]
611) Removing all HTML tags from a string
612) Removing HTML elements from text
613) Replace images in a twebbrowser
614) Replace images in a TWebBrowser
615) Resolve Host address to IP numbers
616) Resolve IP numbers to Host address
617) Retrieve all image links from an HTML document
618) Retrieve image properties of all images in a TWebbrowser
619) Retrieve information about the twebbrowser control
620) Retrieve the network card addresses
621) Retrieve the network card addresses
622) Retrieve the URL of the foreground IE instance
623) Retrieve the url of the foreground ie instance
624) Retrieve the zone icon for the specified url in a twebbrowser
625) Retrieving POST data in a TWebBrowser
626) Save a page in twebbroser to a file
627) Save a webbrowser page to a bitmap
628) Save all images of a twebbrowser
629) Save all images of a TWebbrowser
630) Save all twebbrowser frame sources
631) Save all TWebbrowser Frame Sources
632) Save HTML pages as MHTML
633) Save html pages as mhtml [html archiv format]
634) Saving raw HTML source from TWebBrowser to disk
635) Scroll twebbrowser with own buttons
636) Scroll TWebBrowser with own buttons
637) Select a computer from the network neighborhood
638) Send a file from a tserversocket to a tclientsocket
639) Send a message to icq
640) Send an e-mail
641) Send an email with attachments by shellexecute to outlook express
642) Send e mails via WinSock API
643) Send email in console mode
644) Send email with using winsock
645) Send e-mails via winsock api
646) Send Report feature like Internet Explorer
647) Sending Messages as the Microsoft NT command, net send
648) Sending Raw IP Packets
649) Serversocketten clientsockete dosya göndermek
650) Set the focus on a TWebbrowser
651) Set-get the background color of a page in twebbrowser
652) Show a list of all Internet Explorer windows
653) Show a list of all internet explorer windows
654) Show source code of a html document using twebbrowser
655) Show source code of a HTML document using TWebBrowser
656) Show the properties dialog in the twebbrowser
657) Show the Properties Dialog in the TWebbrowser
658) Show the source code of a webpage in a memo
659) Show the source code of a webpage in a Memo
660) Shutdown a computer through a network connection
661) Shutdown a computer through a network connection
662) Shutting down a machine across the network
663) Simple functions to get raw html page (with or without proxy)
664) Simple HTML parsing and painting
665) Simple Thing to combine SocketServer (MIDAS socket connection) with our server app
666) Simulate a Web Submit Wizard with POST Request
667) Sort Order of Internet Explorer Favorites
668) Specifing authentication details & Impersonating a user for use on an Interface(Proxy) call (Client Side)
669) Standard RichEdit component and URL highlightingnavigation
670) Standard RichEdit component and URL hightlighting
671) Start a dialup connection
672) Submit a form in twebbrowser with an image submit button
673) Sunucu üzerinde paylaşılan dizini uygulama ile map etmek, kalıcı olmasını sağlamak
674) Tanimli ag sürücüleri
675) Tclientsocket and tserversocket
676) Tcp-ip kullanarak kişi pingleme
677) Teminal hizmetleri
678) Testing if you are connected to the internet
679) The Fast and Best way to get a local IP Address
680) The OnLinkClick Event of TWebBrowser
681) To extract the plain text from html string
682) Trying to send text over network
683) TTreeView extention to have left Explorer folder window
684) Twebbrowser nesnesindeki tüm resimleri kaydedin
685) Udp ile ilgili
686) UDP Makes a Difference (UDP vs. TCP)
687) Url yi internet explorer sayfasında açmak
688) Use a Webbrowsers OnDocumentComplete with frames
689) Use MAPI to send an EMail with Attachements
690) Use rcdata resources in kylix
691) Use serversocket and clientsocket
692) Use Serversocket and Clientsocket
693) Use TcpClientServer for a Chat
694) Use tcpclient-server for a chat
695) Use the linux expand function
696) Use your own popup menu in a twebbrowser component
697) Use your own popup menu in a TWebBrowser component
698) Use your own tpopupmenu in tembeddedwb
699) Using the Borland WebService BabelCode
700) Using The TServerSocket Component
701) Validate email address
702) Validating email addresses in Delphi
703) Web sayfasını kaydetme
705) Webbrowserda butona tıklamak
706) WebSnap I The unknown powerful
707) WebSnap II Interacting with the user
708) WebSnap III use of Adapter instead of Html Transparent Tags
709) WebSphere
710) Win sock etkin mi
711) Windows cevirmeli ag baglanti penceresinin cagirilmasi
712) Windows dialer dials out when i am already connected to the internet
713) Windows Explorer Folder Popup Add Your Delphi Application Item to Windows Folder Shell Menu
714) Windows gezgini yapmak
715) Wmi ile [o bilgisayar veya remote bilgisayardaki ] çalışan uygulamalar hakkında bilgi alma [process
716) Xml kullanarak dinamik menü oluşturmak
717) Yahoo Messenger protocol part I
718) Zoom the view of a twebbrowser
719) Zoom the view of a TWebBrowser